
We have over an acre of safe and secluded countryside for you and your dog to enjoy

Both our meadow and play pasture have 6 ft secure fencing, fresh water and dog waste bags and bin
for disposal.

Ideal for:

  • A dog with poor recall

  • If your dog is reactive and you want peace of mind without distractions

  • You have a new puppy, an elderly dog or a bitch
    in season

  • If you want to meet a friend with known dog to exercise your dogs together


“As local dog owners ourselves we wanted to create a safe and secluded space where owners could bond with their dog
off - lead.”

Most recently we brought Rufus, an energetic, light - hearted and loyal Labrador into our family. As anyone who has had the joy of training a new puppy or rescue dog will know, this process can be challenging as well as hugely rewarding.

A private, safe space removes some of those inevitable distractions and fears, allowing both owner and pet to relax whilst focussing on what really matters : each other.

Sally, Owner of Dandelion Dogs